The Gun Runner's Book List

Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence... -- Paperback - 332 pages Updated edition (September 21, 2001) by Mark Juergensmeyer, Mark Jeurgensmeyer

The China Threat : How the People's Republic Targets America -- Hardcover - 256 pages 1 edition (November 1, 2000) by Bill Gertz...

cover Unintended Consequences A novel by John Ross -- Hardcover - 863 pages

cover More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics) -- Hardcover - 225 pages (May 1998) -- by John R., Jr. Lott

cover More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).) -- Paperback - 321 pages 2 Ed edition (June 2000) -- by John R., Jr. Lott

The Ultimate Sniper : An Advanced Training Manual for Military and Police Snipers... -- Paperback - 464 pages (January 1993) -- by John L., Major Plaster

The Complete Ar-15/M16 Sourcebook : What Every Shooter Needs to Know. -- Paperback - 232 pages -- by Duncan Long

Ar-15 - M16 Super Systems -- Paperback - 144 pages -- by Duncan Long

How to Shoot Your m 16 Ar 15 in Training -- Paperback - 48 pages -- by P. Paladin

Glock : The New Wave in Combat Handguns -- Hardcover - 304 pages -- Peter Alan Kasler

The Tactical Pistol : Advanced Gunfighting Concepts and Techniques -- Paperback - 216 pages -- by Gabriel Suarez

Combat Handgun Shooting -- Hardcover -- by James D. Mason

cover BULLSEYES DON'T SHOOT BACK -- Paperback - 120 pages -- by Rex Applegate, Michael Janich

cover Kill or Get Killed : Riot Control Techniques, Manhandling, and Close Combat, for Police and the Military -- Hardcover - 120 pages -- by Rex Applegate

Get Tough! : How to Win in Hand-To-Hand Fighting -- Paperback - 120 pages -- by W. E. Fairbairn

U.S. Marines Close-Quarters Combat Manual -- Paperback - 200 pages

cover Will : The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy -- Mass Market Paperback - 506 pages Revised edition -- by G. Gordon Liddy

cover Patriots : Surviving the Coming Collapse -- Paperback - 352 pages (January 1999) -- by James Wesley Rawles

Special Warfare Special Weapons : Rapid Fire Weapons of the Seals and Udt -- Hardcover illustrate edition Vol 2 (August 2000) -- by Kevin Dockery

cover Point Man -- Mass Market Paperback - 360 pages Reissue edition -- by James, Chief Watson, Kevin Dockery (Contributor)

cover The Teams : An Oral History of the U.S Navy Seals -- Mass Market Paperback - 289 pages -- by Kevin Dockery (Editor), Bill Fawcett (Editor)

cover The United State Navy SEALs Workout Guide : The Exercises and Fitness Programs Used by the U.S. Navy SEALS and Bud's Training -- Paperback - 192 pages 1 Ed edition -- by Dennis C. Chalker, Kevin Dockery, Bill Fawcett

cover The Rape of Nanking : The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II -- Paperback - 290 pages -- by Iris Chang

cover The Rape of Nanking : The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II -- Hardcover - 304 pages 1 Ed edition -- by Iris Chang, William C. Kirby (Foreword)

cover American Goddess at the Rape of Nanking : The Courage of Minnie Vautrin -- Hardcover - 184 pages (April 2000) -- by Hua-Ling Hu, Paul Simon

cover I Will Bear Witness 1941-1945: A Diary of the Nazi Years, Vol. 2 -- Hardcover - 556 pages Vol 2 (March 21, 2000) -- by Victor Klemperer, Martin Chalmers (Translator)

The Hot Zone -- Paperback (June 15, 1999) by Richard Preston - True Story of Ebola in the USA

The Hot Zone -- Hardcover Rebound paperback edition (October 1999) by Richard Preston - True Story of Ebola in the USA

More New Book selections will be added soon.

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