7.62MM Thumper
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This high-performance 180 grain subsonic .308 is built entirely from premium, match-grade components and is manufactured to strict tolerances. It combines excellent (MOA) accuracy with maximum payload! This round is also free of harmful fillers.
Ballistic match +/- 1 inch at 100 yards to 7.62 PBS, depending on platform.
7.62MM PBS - Precision Bonded Subsonic (TM) click for prices
This ammunition is revolutionizing subsonic rifle ammunition performance. It expands reliably and dramatically at subsonic velocities which causes it to penetrate 2-3 inches in ballistic medium and then rotate 180 degrees, ending up base-first after penetrating 17-18 inches of 20% NATO-spec calibrated ballistic gelatin (ref.: Picatinny Arsenal tests, 1/28/99). The terminal effect has been tested on large live targets, and it is devastating and instantaneous. Trajectory is equivalent to the 7.62 Thumper. Thus, EBR is introducing a unique ammunition system, utilizing an economical precision practice round (7.62 Thumper) in conjunction with the most effective subsonic suppressed munition available in this caliber. U.S. and foreign patents apply.
7.62 x 39MM M4 Jackhammer click for prices
This new EBR round is designed to feed and function M16/M4 weapons in this caliber in both semi- and full auto. It utilizes a proprietary EBR 220-gr. FMJ projectile. Also works in Kalashnikov weapons with slight ramping. Cycles both weapons with or without a suppressor. Independent testing has given sub-1/2 MOA accuracy at 100 yards using aimed semiautomatic fire. Light recoil and enhanced controllability make this ammunition extremely effective in full automatic mode. A true breakthrough in subsonic ammunition in this caliber.
5.56 MM Ultra Stealth Match Ammunition
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This is the most quiet and accurate 5.56 x 45mm subsonic round on the market, with a milspec MIL-STD-1474C reading of 117dB when used in conjunction with the excellent GEMTECH M4 96-D suppressor and an M4 Carbine. (ref.: Paulson 1997 Silencer Trials, Report BR-71). Other attributes: more accurate than M855 ammunition at 50 meters; tumbles within 2-3" on soft tissue, producing a large wound channel; does not use fillers which tend to clog up your suppressor. This ammunition intentionally does not cycle the action for the ultimate in quiet shooting. This projectile is a 63 gr. Sierra Match HP.
9 MM Hush-Puppy
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(Picture not available yet)
This 147 grain precision subsonic round sets the standard for 9mm subsonic ammunition. This round is extremely consistent, producing a standard deviation of 8 in a pistol and under 15 in a submachine gun. In soft tissue the projectile expands to about 55 caliber, producing maximum terminal effect.
5.56 MM Frangible Safety Ammunition
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This is standard velocity 5.56 x 45mm frangible sonic ammunition; This projectile is a 55 gr. Frangible bullet.
Also available - .40 Sub Sonic Ammunition. Call for prices
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